Call for Papers
The South Sahara Multidisciplinary Journal (SSMJ), a peer-reviewed and open-access research journal, cordially invites researchers, scholars, professionals, and authors alike to submit their original and extended research for publication in a refereed, international research journal. It is important to note that all submitted papers are subject to peer review and will be published online for the academic community to peruse.
It is pertinent to mention that the SSMJ publication encompasses theoretical, practical, and empirical papers in all areas of commerce and management. Additionally, the SSMJ reviews and publishes research from the social sciences, humanities, and management fields, thereby fostering a multidisciplinary approach to research.
It is noteworthy that all manuscripts undergo a rapid yet thorough peer review process. Of paramount importance is that only high-quality manuscripts that have not been previously published or are under consideration for publication in another journal will be published without delay. In order to make submissions, first-time users must register themselves as authors by completing the author registration form located on the journal's website.