Effect of On-the-Job Training Techniques on Performance of SMES in Mombasa County





Training techniques, coaching, apprenticeship, SMEs, performance


Organizations rely largely on their employees to deliver high-quality production and performance. This means that staff needs to be skilled and knowledgeable, which can only be achieved through learning and development. Most small and medium-sized (SMEs) organizations hardly train their staff, and as such, performance is affected. This can be seen in the poor performance of some SMEs. To change this trend, it is thought that improving the competence and capacity of the employees can improve their performance. Training, especially on-the-job training, will give the SME in the construction sector hands-on experience. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of on-the-job training techniques on the performance of SMEs. The specific objectives covered employee coaching and apprenticeships. The study was anchored on social learning theory and human capital theory. The study employed a descriptive research design. The target population was stratified as per the position held in the organization. Primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaires, which were self-administered to the respondents. The data was analyzed using SPPS, where descriptive analysis was done to obtain means, standard deviations, and inferential statistics. Pearson Moment of Correlation analysis was conducted to test the strength of the variables, and regression analysis was done to check the relationship between the study variables. The study established that employee coaching and apprenticeship all had a significant and positive effect on the performance of SME. The study concludes that on-the-job training techniques have a significant effect on organizational performance. The study recommends that training is very significant in improving the performance of SMEs, hence it should be embraced in the construction sector. As such, there should be more investment in enhancing training programs so as to drive organizational performance.


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How to Cite

Ibua, M., Kariuki, A., & Kamau, C. G. (2023). Effect of On-the-Job Training Techniques on Performance of SMES in Mombasa County. SOUTH SAHARA MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 1(1), 17-27. https://doi.org/10.61250/ssmj/v1.i1.3

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