A Pilot Survey Linking Antecedents of LMX Relationships and PWDs Institutions Performance: An Assessment of PWDs Institutions in Kenya
LMX Relationships, PWDs Institutions Performance, Organizational Culture, Transformational leadershipAbstract
The modern working world has made strides in building a stronger equitable society. There has been great resilience in including policies that ensure persons living with disability play their economic role. The current study was guided by two objectives: effect of transformational leader-characteristics as antecedents of LMX on organization performance in PWDs in Mombasa and Kilifi Counties and moderating effect of organization culture on LMX and organization performance in PWDs institution in Mombasa and Kilifi Counties; Leader-Member exchange theory and social exchange theory formed the theoretical foundation of this study. A conceptual framework showing the correlation of the study’s variables is also given. The study applied descriptive research design and the target population of the study was managers and subordinates at all levels within the organizations. Stratified sampling, convenience sampling and random sampling techniques were used to generate the sample size. A sample size of twenty-five (25) respondents two (2) to three (3) employees from every department. Semi-structured questionnaires were used for the study. The study conducted and applied Cronbach alpha reliability estimate. The study used quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze data. The study results provided a good governance framework of engaging their business networks within their localities. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for windows version 21 was used. One of the significant findings was the realization that there was an increment in leader-characteristics of leaders in organizations. One of the conclusions of the study was that when leaders believe in their own abilities this often-enhanced LMX relationships hence improved organizational performance. A key recommendation of this study was the need for the Government ministries concerned with PWDs mainstreaming in the organizations have specific leadership practices that help build effective LMX relationships in organizations.
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